
Keto Essentials

I get a lot of emails and questions about my keto essentials, so this is a list of items that I love and use onĀ a regular basis. None of these are necessary, just things that I enjoy!

My books:

Ketone Testing:

  • Precision Xtra – Tests both blood ketones and blood glucose
  • KetoCoachĀ most affordable, with test strips starting at $0.59 – currently only measures ketones

Quality Meats:

  • Butcher Box – delivers 100% grass-fed beef, free range organic chicken and heritage breed pork directly to your door with options for less than $6 per meal! Check out my honest review and unboxing here!

Oils/Seasonings/Sauces/Snacks Etc:


Baking/CookingĀ Ingredients:Ā 


Favorite Low-Carb Baking Mixes:Ā 

Keto Monthly Subscription Box:Ā 

  • Keto KrateĀ – A monthly subscription box full of keto snacks and treats delivered to your door.

Kitchen Items:




What I use to curl my hair, since so many of you have asked! : )


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  • Reply
    October 28, 2015 at 3:16 pm

    Hi Suzanne I’m so proud of you. I really have so many questions. What’s the best way that I contact you privatley?

    My struggle is sticking to keto and running out of ideas on what to eat? I’m always On The go. I’m a mom of two and wife and hold two jobs. The headaches to not have sugar or much carbs really gets me after third or 4th day but I need to push through. Any words of encouragement of advice would be appreciated.

    Thank you

    • Reply
      November 9, 2015 at 6:57 am

      Hey Nelly, sure, you can use the contact me box above.

  • Reply
    November 12, 2015 at 3:15 pm

    Hi Suzanne , I discovered you on YouTube after scouring through tonnes of ketosis /ketogenic diet videos. I love watching your story , actually I’m watching your videos in order right now starting at your first video. I’m 3 weeks into a diet. I didn’t start eating keto , I started by drinking meal replacement shakes (I later realized that they were loaded with sugar and carbs) I had a round of bloodwork done at my doctor and discovered ketones in my blood. After some research, I knew Keto was the way to go. I think we’re gonna try your cream cheese pancakes for supper tonight ! Thanks for all the info. Erica , from Ontario Canada

  • Reply
    emma Mc Comiskey
    November 20, 2015 at 7:04 pm

    Hello Suzanne

    Firstly Well done on the weightloss. I am in the middle of my keytosis, and well I ahve been on it with the last month, I have lost 9 pounds, but readin other’s results I feel that this loss is although good, it maybe better. This is my normal day to day diet. Breakfast – Grilled rasher with the fat 3/4 and two fried eggs, using frylight, Lunch- packet of turkey, dinner – Turkey sausage, these are low in carbs, maybe a couple of rashers also. may have some steak and vegetables for other types of dinner’s. I am consuming the equivalent of 20g of Carbohydrates on a daily basis. These are not taken with consumtion of vegetables or any type of fruit, they are the carbohydrates that are in some of the foods, etc sausages. I have a packet of ‘Protein bites’ also on a daily basis they are 11g Carbohydrates and 20g protein. I drink several servings of diet sodas on a daily basis, but consume 3 litres of water on a daily basis. Am i doing anything arong can you tell me??


  • Reply
    January 4, 2016 at 6:22 am

    Hi Suzanne congrats on your weight loss! Your success has really motivated me. I’m just beginning my journey and I’m so excited! I’m just a little confused with the macros calculator maybe you can help me. I am starting to work out, I will be working out about 1 hour a day some cardiovascular and some weights. I want to work out because I like the way it makes me feel. I’m just not sure what my correct calorie intake should be if I’m working out. I don’t want by body to reject Ketosis because I’m not eating my correct calories. I’m 262, 5’4, and I have a desk job so I don’t get up too much.
    Please help!???
    Thank you,

    • Reply
      January 4, 2016 at 7:51 am

      email me and we can talk about it more! : )

      • Reply
        Danielle Purser
        January 22, 2018 at 9:28 pm

        HI, I am just starting out too and my situation is similar to Johana’s. I work out about an hour a day. From the Keto calculator, I am supposed to eat 1528 cal a day, 18g carbs, 113g protein and 111g fat. Will My fitness pal app help in tracking the correct amount if I log everything?

  • Reply
    January 8, 2016 at 8:08 pm

    Hi Suzanne,

    I must say, You’re doing great job – not just by staying on track for 51 weeks in row, but by making so many people think they can do it also. ( including my wife and me:) We’re just getting started – today ist the 5th day of the week 0 – as if to say. It is exiting and challenging at the very same time – and both of us are determinded to follow Keto as long as possible. But i’ve got question to ask, namely after calculating my macors (tnx for great tool:) i got a bit confused : how much of coconut oil or olive oil i need to consume on daily basics? My fat macro is 134 daily – and i suppose i should get it mostly from oil, butter, heavy cream and matured cheese ( chedar etc). So i won’t max out my net carbs (25 for starters) once i’ll add some nuts and fruits to daily diet – correct? Anyway back to question – how to proceed to provide enough fat and not ending up eating spoons of coconut oil or drikging olive oil from bottle?:) I know this is kinda of naive question, we’ve got some recepies and IMO we’re doing fine but i’d hate to find out that we’re messing Keto up by not carryng enough for fat balance. PS i’must confess i’m not the biggest fan of veggies ( besides brussel sprouts – with crispy nuts and cheese on top of it, some broccoli, zuchinni, grean beans and cauliflower – hope that’s is enough:) so would it be very bad for Keto if i got my carbs mostly from nuts or anything else?
    PS2 Sorry for any misspelling and again big THANKS for what You’re doing.


    • Reply
      January 11, 2016 at 10:39 pm

      Hey there. Your carb intake it a maximum, not a goal. So try to keep your carbs as low as possible. I recommend eating the veggies that you do like for your carbs instead of nuts or fruit. Fruit is mostly limited to berries for keto anyway. As far as the fat intake I find it pretty easy to get to 100 plus grams, but don’t feel like you have to push yourself right away. Your body will go through and adjustment and you don’t have to do anything extreme to reach your macros. Check out my fitness pal food diary to see ideas. KetoKarma2015 : )

  • Reply
    Martha O
    February 5, 2016 at 7:33 pm

    Hi Suzane!
    I’m really struggling with my weight right now, my boyfriend has tried several times to induce me into the Keto lifestyle, but I really love to eat!!!! And guess what??? I love carbs!! But, at this point in my life I think I need to make a change, I donĀ“t feel good with this weight, so I’m willing to try this! I just have a couple of questions: 1.- What were the principal stuff you stopped eating? the more “dangerous” . 2.- Do you exercise a lot?
    Also, I find very frustrating the fact of being constantly inserting what I eat on MFP basically because I live in Mexico and if I put “Enchiladas” I dont think the results are accurate, how I’m sure that the info is correct since it’s a generic description?
    I’m sorry for the long post, I would send you a potato but you don’t eat carbs!

    • Reply
      February 7, 2016 at 12:26 am

      Martha, I can totally relate, I used to be carb/sugar addicted too…and I’m here to tell you that eventually your desire for those foods will ease up. Avoid sugar and starches, most fruit, besides berries. Read my getting started post, and set up your macros.

  • Reply
    Carla Harmon
    April 29, 2016 at 8:36 pm

    Can you tell me a little about the MCT oil and if I should ease into it to avoid diarrhea. Also, does it flavor what you put it in? I don’t drink coffee so I’m trying to think of what to add it to. Thanks.

    • Reply
      May 2, 2016 at 12:46 am

      I recommend starting with 1/2 tbs, and then working up to 1 tbs, and then 2tbs is about the max that I use in one drink. I generally have 1 tbs Heavy cream and 1 TBS of MCT oil with stevia. It’s really good for healthy fats, but MCT doesn’t add a flavor.

  • Reply
    May 25, 2016 at 11:57 pm

    Hi Suzanne,

    I love watching your journey! You are an inspiration. I do have a quick question- How do you know if Blood Glucose Monitoring device measures ketones? I am under the impression that not all of them measure ketones. I just didn’t know if it would work for figuring out if I am in ketosis. I just started my journey and the strips seem to be too inaccurate to rely on. Thank you for being such an inspiration and helping others along your way!!!

    • Reply
      May 31, 2016 at 11:56 pm

      Not all monitors measure ketones, so you have to be sure it specifies ketones…and there are also strips to check your blood sugar and then separate strips to check your ketones. Blood ketones is for sure the most accurate way to measure.

  • Reply
    June 1, 2016 at 9:47 pm

    Thank you!

  • Reply
    July 4, 2016 at 9:45 am

    Hi Suzanne,
    I just started my keto journey a few days ago and I’m always on the hunt for new recipes, so your blog is really helping me šŸ™‚
    Now I’m quite confused with carbs, net carbs and fibre. Are questbars keto friendly? They have something about 21gr of total carbs, but most of those are fibre. How do you track fibre? I’m aaaaall confused šŸ™
    Keep up the brilliant work!
    Love from Germany šŸ™‚

    • Reply
      July 15, 2016 at 2:46 pm

      I personally count “NET” carbs, which is total carbs minus fiber, sugar alcohols, erythritol etc. I eat quest bars, but limit to one per day. Have a great day!

  • Reply
    Elizabeth Andersen
    July 26, 2016 at 4:26 am

    I have heard from several doctors that they say counting calories isn’t necessarily necessary with the veto diet or low carb high fat diet? Whats your take and experience with that?

    • Reply
      August 1, 2016 at 7:42 pm

      I personally think calories in vs out will always matter with weightloss.

      • Reply
        Tracy Marozzi
        February 21, 2021 at 12:33 pm

        Suzanne, I am still reading your first book and trying to learn everything I need to know about the Keto Diet. You are truly an inspiration! Thank you so much for helping others to be successful! I wanted to ask you what app you use to track your macros. Is there one that works best? Thank you so much for any help or advice you can give me! šŸ™‚

        • Reply
          March 5, 2021 at 5:35 am

          Hi Tracy, Suzanne used MyFitnessPal to track all of her food the first year. There are now some apps on the market like carb manager that may be better suited for tracking carbs, but those apps weren’t around when she started.

  • Reply
    August 16, 2016 at 2:43 am

    Hi, I just stumbled upon your blog while looking into the keto lifestyle. I use my fitness pal, the Free one. How do you count net carbs on my fitness pal? Do you have to do your own calculations? Thanks! I am inspired by your progress!

    • Reply
      August 17, 2016 at 6:04 pm

      You can add fiber to your tracked items and just do the math yourself. : )

    • Reply
      January 17, 2018 at 8:25 am

      you can go into your goals and set the calories, fat, protein and carbs on the free mfp. but remember the totals do change if you have a fitness watch connected to mfp so the more you work out the more calories mfp will give you. I only look at the totals and not the daily totals (which change with exercise) and I dont look at the remaining figures.

      I have only just started Keto and am in the UK.

  • Reply
    October 10, 2017 at 7:34 pm

    Thank you for sharing, this is SO helpful!

  • Reply
    October 10, 2017 at 10:27 pm

    So I’m 7 weeks into Keto, inspired by your youtube videos, lost crazy 15 lbs so far…
    it was sooo irritating when I heard Jillian Michaels said that Keto is Atkins for millenials. clearly she didn’t research or went through the science of it all…
    I’m just venting, i’m so annoyed at how she blasted outr keto community. she preaches eat everything in moderation. more power to you, what a beautiful & inspirational person you are

    • Reply
      October 10, 2017 at 11:23 pm

      I’m so sorry to hear that, yeah a lot people have opinions formed on old ideology! Hopefully we can all spread the word, I know this lifestyle totally changed my life!

      • Reply
        Craig Michaels
        January 15, 2018 at 6:00 am

        Hi Suzanne,

        I’m a pediatrician and work with the Keto diet for my kids with difficult to treat seizures and works wonders. Also use it for my obese kids too! Carbs in our society have become a poison to our society and this diet truly has been life changing for so many. I’m curious how often you monitor your blood ketone levels and how do you interpret your numbers… All the best, Craig

  • Reply
    Jessica H
    October 19, 2017 at 3:23 am

    WOW!!! So many amazing recommendations and tips! Thank you! I read the blurb from your book and your story sounds a lot like mine. Iā€™m 3 and a half weeks in to Keto lifestyle and Iā€™m feeling great! But I know I can learn so much from you and those who have been on this journey and changed their lives!

  • Reply
    Carla Sheedy
    October 20, 2017 at 12:31 am

    Thank you for sharing your journey and for the wonderful inspiration, ideas, recipes and macro calculator! Looking forward to getting a copy of your book.

  • Reply
    January 1, 2018 at 8:50 pm

    Thanks so much for the essentials above…..some of the links do go anywhere. Love your cookbook…it’s awesome!

  • Reply
    January 4, 2018 at 6:45 pm

    So, I’m just starting keto — or trying to. I’m finding it challenging for a couple of reasons. First, my old habits — they’re sabotaging me! And secondly, while I “get” the numbers, i.e. grams per each macronutrient, I’m a visual person. Could you find a way to visualize portions of proteins, fats, and carbs for each meal? Especially because fats have so many more calories per gram! That would help me out, a lot! Finally, my breakfasts are fully keto — that’s easy to do. Lunch is my next goal. Then dinner. So I won’t be fully keto for a week or so out. Any advice? Thx!

  • Reply
    January 7, 2018 at 7:46 pm

    Hi Suzanne! I just discovered you and keto last week. You are such an inspiration. I’ve totally enjoyed watching your progress each week. So often we see before and after and expect “after” to arrive that quickly. In your journey we see steady progress and you stay positive even if it is only a little over a pound. I’m only on week 16 of your video’s but I am looking forward to seeing the rest of them. If you look in the dictionary under “yo-yo dieter” you will see my face. Wish me luck… With your help ( I purchased “Simply Keto” two days ago) I start what I am hoping is the answer to my weight issues and a lifestyle change.

  • Reply
    January 22, 2018 at 2:21 am

    What apps do you recommend for keto tracking other than my fitness pal? My fitness is constantly trying to get me to upgrade to their premium for a monthly fee. It is annoying trying to navigate around With this on every page of their app.

    • Reply
      April 10, 2018 at 4:04 am

      I haven’t used any others, sorry!

  • Reply
    January 25, 2018 at 4:39 pm

    Suzanne, I am sitting at my kitchen table with your book opened to page 33 ā€œstarting the ketogenic dietā€. I needed to calculate my macros. Obviously I am at the very beginning of this journey. Like you and manny others, I have been on countless diets. I saw you on ā€œLive with Kelly and Ryanā€ and something caught my attention. Having tried Atkins diet several years ago I lost many pounds but ended up with my first kidney stone. And saddlery many followed. My doctor actually had lab work done on the stone and told me I show extremely high protein. Who knew this could cause kidney stones? All that to say I believe that low carbs is a must for all diets/lifestyles. But Iā€™ve not believed that any protein is a good protein. Thatā€™s why this diet makes sense to me. Now as I set here feeling quite overwhelmed at getting started, I am also feeling empowered by comments left here. My nature is to follow a well written plan. In fact I really liked Jenny Craig because there was no thinking involved. But we all know the outcome of that…..so in the beginning I will follow your plan in the book and then once I get the hang of it I am sure Iā€™ll be able to modify for my own life style. Today is day 1 and Iā€™m embarrassed to say ā€œout loudā€ that I weighed in at 249 lbs. yikes! Here I go…..

    • Reply
      April 10, 2018 at 3:56 am

      Thank you so much! Keep in touch and let me know how you’re doing!

  • Reply
    February 9, 2018 at 1:01 am

    Suzanne! I just added you on MFP and just bought your book today! It is BEAUTIFUL! I am still not sure how exactly to count my fat/carbs/protein with MFP though for Keto. The book tells me the nutritional info and serving size but I am not sure if the one I make myself will have the same amount of carbs because I don’t know what brand of each ingrediant you use. ALSO are there filler foods for when you are not high enough on calories, fat, and protein but at your carb maximum?

  • Reply
    Jill Barron
    March 8, 2018 at 8:13 am

    Hi Suzanne, My husband & I are going to start in the next week. This is the first time he has ever been fat or had to measure his portions, which will be an awaken for him! I know that I’m a sugar addict my problem is I’m sensitive to all the different kinds of sugar replacement. I get migraines from the additives. Can you give me any ideas on what to do or substitute? In a year I’m hoping to be like you in the 100# club!

  • Reply
    Jesse Morales
    March 21, 2018 at 8:47 pm

    I have heard conflicting ideas about consuming excess fat, even within the keto community. One camp advises starting the day with brain octane in my coffee along with heavy cream and the other advises higher protein than fat and not consuming great quantities of fat if you have lots of fat to lose. Iā€™m new to all of this and Iā€™d like your take. Thanks!

  • Reply
    Jessica Reynolds
    June 9, 2018 at 3:03 pm

    I’m so excited to have stumbled upon your book on amazon – I sent my daughter to pick it up at our B&N immediately. I’d just had labwork and my doc recommended keto to get levels appropriate. Anyhow, I am still carving out time to read through (mom of 4 homeschoolers (– er, one graduate) that assists hubby in running a business.) I love to sit on our back porch, sip water and read it – you soooo had me at biscuits and gravy! OMG! I really LOVE your recipes – who would’ve thought there was a diet that allows me to enjoy life through food still!? My kids are thrilled to eat what I’m making – especially bacon & sliced avocados. Anyhow, I just wanted to tell you how well laid out I find your book – the beautiful artwork, the clean composition of the pages and recipes, the TOTALLY do-able recipes w/ minimal qty. of ingredients (love that – you save my grocery budget soooo much! Did I mention I have four kids!) And of course I love your backstory and honest approach to sharing your why and how you came to create this amazing resource! Congratulations on your well-deserved success! Best wishes! ~~~ I’m off to shop your amazon recommendation links!

  • Reply
    July 2, 2018 at 8:29 pm

    Hello:) I’d like to know what app you have found works for you? Or anyone out there? I downloaded the most postively reviewed app called carb manager. It automatically assigns carbs without having the information. For instance my chicken sausage is 0 grams and it puts 1 gram. Every gram counts so I’d like to be able to put in what the actual carbs and calories are. Cannot figure it out. Your swipe up on IG is great but it’s not an easily accessbile app so it’s too many steps and want to just open app and add my grams and food each meal. I need something super easy to use or I won’t do it. This is day 1 so I’m new at this and finding my way… thanks:)

  • Reply
    Jennifer Gosch
    July 18, 2018 at 11:28 pm

    Hi Suzanne! I have been binge watching your channel! Love it!! I am starting today!! I was just wondering how you liked to keep track of weightloss and other goals? Do you write everything down or use your computer? Just curious how you did it! I also just ordered your book
    Jennifer Gosch

  • Reply
    August 11, 2018 at 6:09 pm

    Hi Suzanne, congratulations on your healthy transformation and all your work in Keto Karma. I just got your beautiful book this week which is my keto bible. I started this journey on Monday and already feel better and less bloated. For the first like in a long time I feel excited about my journey ahead and more motivated to keep going. Thanks your being an inspiration.

  • Reply
    Rick Collins
    March 7, 2019 at 6:13 pm

    Hi Suzanne
    Thanks for you story. I got your book this week You got my attention!!!!! Thanks will be working on it

  • Reply
    Aubrey P
    July 13, 2019 at 1:40 am

    Hi Suzanne,

    I am starting keto and am so excited! I do have a question though, in Simply Keto, you use almond flour in a lot of your recipes. I have an adverse reaction to almonds, is there a different flour substitute you recommend?

    • Reply
      September 15, 2019 at 11:30 pm

      Hey there. I use coconut flour and golden flaxseed flour!

  • Reply
    August 11, 2019 at 6:26 pm

    Hi! I absolutely love your cookbook. I had tried keto and other books in the past and failed. After I bought your book it helped so much and made me realize how easy it can be to make keto part of your everyday life. I haven’t had huge weight loss like some people do but I am down 26lbs and I’m thankful for that! You’re journey has been so inspiring and I’m glad I found your book.

  • Reply
    Jim H
    February 17, 2020 at 5:35 pm

    Greetings Suzanne,
    I am just starting my journey with Keto. I am using your first book as my base. I am also using your website to locate products to help me. As I searched this morning, I found that when I click on your links they take me back to your website instead the products. Just thought you would like to know. On another note, I am excited that I am beginning a new life style change. I am 56 years old and need to lose 100 pounds so that I can live and meet my future grand children. I look forward to our partnership. Take Care!

    • Reply
      February 18, 2020 at 8:24 am

      Thank you! Ran into a small issue with Amazon but they are all fixed now, appreciate the heads up.

  • Reply
    Tejaswi Goswami
    March 3, 2020 at 2:48 pm

    Greetings Suzzane,
    I have also started keto , Hope to share similar story.

  • Reply
    Jane Mitten
    May 18, 2020 at 2:24 pm

    Hi Suzanne:
    I bought both books and love them. I am going into Week 12 and have lost 32 pounds so far. I would like to lose another 60 pounds to get down to about 105 and I am 5’2″. I am using a very low carb, no sugar whey protein shake with Perfect Keto MCT oil powder and 1/8 cup of frozen organic blueberries. The other meal I eat salmon, fish, or chicken with veggies and oil. My macros say 12gms of carb’s a day. Does that seem Very minimal to you even though its only veggies? Drinking a lot of water and no sugar green tea. Exercising 1 hour daily. What else can I be doing or adjusting to enable me to continue to lose 2.5-3 pounds weekly? Best Wishes, Jane

    • Reply
      June 3, 2020 at 3:14 pm

      Hey there. Most people stick to 20-30g net carbs, so it looks like you are doing great! I would stay the course and not focus as heavily on the scale. It’s important to know that weight can fluctuate, so try not to weigh in too often if you’re feeling tied to the scale. Keep up the healthy habits and the weight loss and health benefits will follow!

  • Reply
    Kamille Crawford
    June 14, 2020 at 12:55 pm

    I recently purchased your book Simple Keto and I am so ready to change my health and my life. I recently battled breast cancer and I am ready to take back my life. In the back of the book it had a 30 day meal plan, does the shopping list on this website coordinate with that meal plan or is there a different meal plan in your second book?
    Thanks so much! Your story is so inspiring!!

  • Reply
    July 29, 2020 at 8:53 am

    Great site and so much knowledge. Can’t wait to buy your book. I cant find anywhere how much water did you drink and if you worked out and if so how often and how long.

    • Reply
      August 5, 2020 at 6:42 am

      Thank you! I didn’t work out much during the majority of my weight loss, but became more active in general as I started to feel better and have more energy. I always struggle with drinking enough water, but I try to drink 6-8 glasses of water or sparkling water daily.

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