Below you’ll find several printable worksheets, as well as weekly shopping lists from the meal plan in Beyond Simply Keto! You can use these for accountability, tracking, and grocery shopping. I have found writing, planning and tracking to be cathartic, as it helps me express and organize my thoughts and feelings. Since there is no one size fits all approach, there are several different types of worksheets. Feel free to print these as often as you want!

Weekly Shopping Lists
Here you will find the weekly shopping lists that coordinate with the 30 day meal plan in Beyond Simply Keto. These shopping lists are broken up into 4 weekly lists.

30 Day Accountability
A 30 day accountability worksheet that you can print and hang on your fridge, or keep in your notebook. Check off each day as you complete 30 days of healthy eating and self-care.

Self Care Weekly
Self-care is so important, and this worksheet will help you with planning and staying accountable to your personalized self-case routine. You are worthy!

Weekly Meal Plan
Now it’s easier than ever to organize your weekly meals and goals with this weekly meal planner. Each week you can plan and organize to help your week run smoothly!

30 Day Accountability w/weight
A 30 day accountability worksheet with weight and measurement tracking. Check off each day as you complete 30 days of healthy eating and self care.

Daily Journal
A daily journal to help you explore and express your thoughts and feelings. Print theses as often as you’d like, and use a three hole punch to keep these organized in a binder.

Beyond Simply Keto Macro Corrections
Hey guys! Unfortunately we recently discovered that the initial prints of Beyond Simply Keto had a few minor macro errors in the recipes containing almond flour. This error happened due to initially calculating macros with an almond flour that had incorrect information. This is a printable document with the corrections for each recipe containing almond flour. You will notice that all recipe are still very much keto and low carb, but I wanted to share this will all of you ASAP. I am so sorry for this error. This is a great remember to double check ingredients while tracking your own macros, as there are many incorrect macros in tracking software. These macro corrections have been fixed for future prints of Beyond Simply Keto, and again we are so sorry for the mistake!