
Keto Calculator

Let’s set up your macros!

We will be launching more advanced features in the near future, but for now this simplistic and straightforward keto calculator is everything you need to get started! If your heart is set on having your carbs set to a specific value (for example 20 g net carbs), feel free to make your own adjustments when planning or tracking your daily intake.

As a reminder, carbs are viewed as a max, protein is a goal to reach, and fat is to satisfy. The macro calculation below is meant to be a good starting place. Your optimal macros will likely vary based on your own trial and error. Keto isn’t one size fits all, so take the time to dial in your personal macros in a way that benefits you the most!

If you need more help after calculating your macros or tips for success, check out my post on how to get startedĀ here.

Ketokarma.com proĀ­vides genĀ­eral inforĀ­maĀ­tion and disĀ­cusĀ­sion about the ketogenic diet and various other subjects. The words and other conĀ­tent proĀ­vided in this blog, and in any linked mateĀ­riĀ­als, are not intended and should not be conĀ­strued as medĀ­ical advice. If the reader or any other perĀ­son has a medĀ­ical conĀ­cern, he or she should conĀ­sult with a licensed physiĀ­cian or other health care worker. I am not a doctor or licensed health care worker, therefore information on thisĀ blog is simply my sharedĀ approach.Ā 


Calculate your personal macros below, and best wishes on your journey ahead!Ā 


{{protein}} g


{{fat}} g


{{carbs}} g

Macro Percentage Breakdown

Total Calories

{{tdee}} k/cal