Weekly Updates

Keto Week 60 Update

This week I shared about loose skin, my first doctors visit since my weight loss, and some other exciting things! Enjoy, and thanks so much for your support!

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  • Reply
    March 7, 2016 at 2:05 am

    I started watching your weekly updates a few weeks ago. What an inspiration you are for me! I have lost 22 lbs on keto and will keep going. I need to lose a out 35 more, so I’m on my way. When I get discouraged I plan to go back and watch some of your previous updates for inspiration. Thank you!

    • Reply
      March 15, 2016 at 9:32 pm

      Aw, thank you so much! There will be ups and downs, but just hang in there and stay on track! I’m here if you ever need anything! : )

  • Reply
    March 7, 2016 at 2:13 am

    Suzanne, I’ve recently discovered your site, and I think you are such an encouragement to newbies like me who are just getting started on the keto lifesyle! I love how you’re also willing to share other parts of this journey that have sort of come along for the ride – like your self-confidence. Congrats on winning the Quest contest, and for your huge weight loss success! I’m just finishing week one today (!), and now that I know that you post on Sundays, I look forward to following your posts as I celebrate my own landmarks. Peace, Heather.

    • Reply
      March 15, 2016 at 9:32 pm

      Thank you so much, Heather! Congrats on week one, and beyond…You’ve got this!!

  • Reply
    March 7, 2016 at 9:23 am

    Hi Suzanne,

    Thank you so much for your videos! You have really inspired me. I can’t believe that your dr still gave you a pamphlet on low fat dieting when you have lost over 100 pounds by doing the complete opposite! How strange! Thank you for sharing your story and keep up the good work!

    • Reply
      March 15, 2016 at 9:31 pm

      Haha, I know! I wasn’t surprised, but I think her mind has been changed after seeing my great blood work!

  • Reply
    March 9, 2016 at 2:48 pm

    Cool! Will you do a Quest Giveaway since you won a lifetime supply?

    • Reply
      March 15, 2016 at 9:29 pm

      I might! : )

  • Reply
    March 12, 2016 at 11:57 am

    Hello, I am from Poland, and i try to be on keto diet since 11 weeks. My start weight was 231.42 pounds (105 kilos), now its 208 pounds (94,5 kilos), so i am very happy.. I must say that i did some cheat meals, or even days, but now i try to be focused on my keto diet every day. on start i was in lab, did bunch of tests, and discovered that i have insulin resistance and Hashimoto.. :/ That is why in my whole life it was so hard for me to loose weight. .. After two months on keto diet i went back to lab and did the same bunch of tests… Now i know that keto diet is the right life style for me.. After two months, my insulin is better, all my thyroid hormones are better, my triglycerides are much better, and my homocysteine is 50% lower than two months ago. This is an evidence for me, that this type of eating works for me very well… in just last 5 weeks i changed my size from 18 to size 16. (i started with UK size 20/22). I am very happy and i will continue this because it works and its easy to adapt to my weird life šŸ™‚ I am happy when i see stories like yours, i am grateful for your YT channel, be happy and reach your goal. šŸ™‚ Sorry for my bad english šŸ™‚ Magdalena, Poland

    • Reply
      March 15, 2016 at 9:34 pm

      Wow! Thank you so much for sharing your story with me! I think keto is life changing and I’m so happy to hear how well you’re doing now! Keep in touch!

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