Weekly Updates

Keto Week 55 Update

This week I shared my thoughts about whole food vs. processed… like anything in life, this will be a personal choice for you to make. Let me know how you feel about the subject! There is no right or wrong answer, so feel free to share! Have a great week!

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  • Reply
    February 1, 2016 at 7:44 pm

    Most reasonable response I’ve heard referencing this question. This is a lifestyle…. truth and this, in order to be sustainable, has to have some flexibility. Thank you for your clear and concise view. It’s KETOGENIC first. Then I aim for grass-fed, organic, blah, blah second.

    • Reply
      February 1, 2016 at 8:15 pm

      Thank you! Yeah, I think progress is always better than perfection…because none of us are perfect. This way it takes the pressure off and leads to a lot more success!

  • Reply
    February 5, 2016 at 1:18 am

    You look amazing!! I just started week two. Wondering if you have any insight on sugar substatuets? I am jones ing for a little something sweet. I would die for a sugar free vanilla latte wig like splendid. Is that ok??

    • Reply
      February 7, 2016 at 12:20 am

      Thank you so much! I prefer to use stevia or erythritol, but some people do use Splenda.

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