Happy Easter! Usually on Sunday’s I film, edit and upload a video, but today I wanted to take a little break to spend some quality time with my sweet family!…
One year ago today I nervously filmed my very first YouTube video! A lot has changed since then, and I truly can’t thank you all enough for your support over…
Let’s face it, when people hear you’re on a low carb, HIGH FAT diet, one of the first questions is regarding cholesterol and heart health. I’m so excited to share…
This week I got fantastic results from my doctor/bloodwork, and I’m so excited to know that my health is back on track! Be sure to send me your photo for…
This week I shared about loose skin, my first doctors visit since my weight loss, and some other exciting things! Enjoy, and thanks so much for your support!…
Hey everyone! This week I have been reflecting on how much I have to be thankful for and how much has changed over this last year. I also talked about…
Hey guys! This weekend has been very busy but I wanted to check in and give a quick update and say hi! Hope you all are doing well, and I’ll…
This months Keto Krate featured low carb Paleo Wraps, which are great for breakfast burritos, sandwich wraps and so much more. They’re delicious and versatile. They also gave me the inspiration…
Finally my back is doing so much better, and I’m so thankful! This week I chatted about “cheat meals”, lifestyle changes and life. …
Hey guys. This week I hurt my back pretty badly… I’ve been really uncomfortable and trying to rest. I wanted to reach out and say hi and let you know…